Gašper Andrinek
Novinar, ki živi za ideale, a vendar se zaveda realnosti in predvsem resnosti trenutnih razmer. Tudi zato se predvsem osredotoča na pomembnost profesionalno narejene vsebine, ki temelji na zgodbah. Še posebej ga navdihujejo poglobljene zgodbe malega človeka. Prepričan je, da lahko novinarstvo obstane le, če je močen novinarski ceh, ki drži skupaj, in se zaveda tega, da novinarke in novinarji si med seboj niso konkurenca.
A journalist who lives for ideals but is also aware of reality and, above all, the seriousness of the current situation. For this reason, he focuses primarily on the importance of professionally crafted content based on stories. He is particularly inspired by in-depth stories about ordinary people. He believes that journalism can only survive if there is a strong journalistic community that stands together and understands that journalists are not competitors to one another.
Dogodki / Events
6. 12. 2024 - Zakaj je vsebina na dan dovolj? / Why is one content per day enough?