Polona Fijavž
Odgovorna urednica Informativnega programa/Edito-in-chief of the Informative Programme
Polona Fijavž je dolgoletna novinarka zunanjepolitične redakcije Televizije Slovenija. Vrsto let je spremljala slovensko zunanjo politiko, predvsem odnose s Hrvaško in reševanje arbitražnega spora. Podrobneje je spremljala dogajanje v »novih« članicah Evropske unije v času pogajanj, v Turčiji je spremljala pristopne procese in odmik od Evropske unije.. Vodila in urejala je zunanjepolitično oddajo Globus.
Od 2014 – 2023 je bila dopisnica iz Nemčije in Poljske, kjer je od blizu spremljala vrhunec in odhod Angele Merkel in posledice odločitev nemške politike za celotno Evropsko unijo, ter dinamično politično in družbeno dogajanje na Poljskem. Je avtorica dokumentarnega filma Poljska, spopad resnic in številnih reportaž z beloruske in ukrajinske meje v času hibridnih in vojaških napadov. Zadnje leto je odgovorna urednica Informativnega programa Televizije Slovenija.
Polona Fijavž is a long-time journalist at the foreign policy desk of Television Slovenia. She has been following Slovenian foreign policy for a number of years, especially relations with Croatia and the resolution of the arbitration dispute. She followed developments in the “new” EU member states during the negotiations, and in Turkey she followed the accession process and the break with the EU. She hosted and edited the foreign policy show Globus.
From 2014 – 2023, she was a correspondent from Germany and Poland, where she followed closely the rise and departure of Angela Merkel and the implications of German policy decisions for the European Union as a whole, as well as the dynamic political and social developments in Poland. She is the author of the documentary film Poland, a clash of truths and numerous reports from the Belarusian and Ukrainian borders at a time of hybrid and military attacks. For the last year, she has been the editor-in-chief of the Informative Programme of Television Slovenia.
Dogodki / Events
6. 12. 2024 - Mediji kot zaželeno orožje v mednarodnih odnosih / Media as a desirable weapon in international relations