Simon Šubic
Univ. dipl. novinar Simon Šubic je del uredništva Gorenjski glas že, odkar je kot študent 2. letnika novinarstva na FDV v Ljubljani prišel na obvezno prakso. V 30 letih novinarskega dela v regionalnem časopisu je opravil pot od začetnega pisanja anket do izvršnega urednika, kar je postal 1. oktobra letos. V vmesnem obdobju je poročal iz domala vseh gorenjskih občin ter o vseh mogočih temah, dolga leta je bil tudi urednik rubrike Črna kronika. Še vedno spremlja aktualne dogodke v Mestni občini Kranj in dogajanje v slovenski politiki.
Simon Šubic, a journalist, has been part of the Gorenjski glas editorial team since he came to Ljubljana as a second-year journalism student on a compulsory internship. In 30 years of working as a journalist at the regional newspaper, he has worked his way up from the initial writing of surveys to executive editor, which he became on 1 October this year. In the meantime, he has reported from almost all the municipalities of the Gorenjska region and on all kinds of topics, and for many years he was also the editor of the Black Chronicle section. He still follows current events in the Municipality of Kranj and developments in Slovenian politics.
Dogodki / Events
5. 12. 2024 - Lokalno je svetovno
4. 12. 2024 - Medijska bera po gorenjsko