Robert Schmitzer

Robert Schmitzer

vodja digitalnega razvoja

Robert Schmitzer je vodja digitalnega razvoja v medijski hiši Delo, kjer se posveča digitalni transformaciji podjetja, v zadnjem času z močnim poudarkom na vpeljevanju umetne inteligence kot pomočnika v uredniških in poslovnih procesih.

V slovenskem medijskem prostoru je prisoten od leta 1999, ko se je kot študent pridružil ekipi takratnega teleteksta RTV Slovenija. Postal je eden od ustanovnih sodelavcev novičarskega portala in ga kasneje na položaju vodje dnevnih urednikov Multimedijskega centra (MMC) RTV Slovenija aktivno soustvarjal ne le vsebinsko, ampak tudi strateško. Pot ga je leta 2007 odpeljala na avstrijsko Styrio, kjer je kot namestnik odgovorne urednice skrbel za razvoj in rast takrat novega spletnega portala Žurnala 24. V skupini Styria je opravil več rotacij, med drugim v vodilnih avstrijskih časnikih Die Presse, Kleine Zeitung in Wirtschaftsblatt ter na Hrvaškem v Večernjem listu in 24sata. V letu 2011 se je v medijski hiši Delo pridružil vodstveni ekipi novonastajajočega portala, kjer je pozneje postal urednik in vodja tega portala. Leta 2016 ga je vodstvo Dela imenovalo na položaj vodje digitalnega razvoja, kjer skrbi za uresničevanje digitalne strategije družbe.

Robert Schmitzer je član več stanovskih združenj: sodeluje v Izvršnem odboru projekta MOSS pri SOZ-u in je član Strokovnega sveta IAB Slovenija. Opravil je več izobraževanj, med njimi poletno šolo združenja mednarodnih založnikov Wan Ifra. Kot govorec je nastopal na medijskih konferencah SOF, Diggit in Sempl.

Robert Schmitzer is the Head of Digital Development at the media company Delo, where he focuses on the digital transformation of the company, with a strong emphasis on the implementation of artificial intelligence as an assistant in editorial and business processes.

He has been present in the Slovenian media since 1999 when he joined the team of the then teletext RTV Slovenia as a student. He became one of the founding members of the news portal and actively contributed to it not only in terms of content but also strategically while serving as the Head of Daily Editors at the Multimedia Center (MMC) RTV Slovenia. In 2007, his path led him to the Austrian company Styria, where he served as the deputy editor-in-chief, overseeing the development and growth of the then-new web portal Žurnal 24. Within the Styria group, he held various positions, including in leading Austrian newspapers such as Die Presse, Kleine Zeitung, and Wirtschaftsblatt, as well as in Croatia at Večernji list and 24sata.

In 2011, he joined the management team of the emerging portal at the media company Delo, where he later became the editor and head of the portal. In 2016, Delo’s leadership appointed him to the position of Head of Digital Development, where he is responsible for implementing the company’s digital strategy.

Robert Schmitzer is a member of several professional associations: he participates in the Executive Committee of the MOSS project at the Slovenian Advertising Chamber (SOZ) and is a member of the Expert Council of IAB Slovenia. He has undergone various training, including the summer school of the international publishers’ association Wan Ifra. As a speaker, he has appeared at media conferences such as SOF, Diggit, and Sempl.

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