Tomaž Ranc
novinar urednik
Novinar urednik, ki se je s poplavljenih koroških občin odzival hitro in inovativno, tudi s kolesa in hribov, prek vseh družbenih kanalov, za splet in tisk. Del koroške ekipe Večera, ki daje regijskim vsebinam in lokalni informaciji in interpretaciji konteksta prioriteto pri novinarskem delu.
A local reporter and editor for Večer, he was quick to report from flooded municipalities in Koroška and in innovative ways too, including from his bicycle and from hilltops, posting his stories on all social media channels as well as in the newspaper’s online and print editions. A part of the Večer team in Koroška, he prioritises regional content and a delivering local angle to the information and interpretation of context.
Dogodki / Events
22. 11. 2023 - Odgovorno novinarstvo ob naravnih katastrofah